On the morning of the second day of the competition, teams in all three pools were alerted to a first-degree storm warning, allowing them to begin their post-second-degree night refreshments accordingly. It didn’t take long for action on the second day of the Xth Adventer & fishing International Balaton Carp Cup.

The PEG 284 Mikbaits Rebels team landed a 30.10 kg carp at the Balatonakali – Káptalanfüred beach! The afternoon of today also didn’t pass without events, as our staff continuously visited the teams. Several catches exceeding 20 kilograms were made after the first 30+ one.

The weather is very favorable, and we hope it will hold up a little longer. Currently, the storm alert devices are in their basic state in all three pools, so teams can head into the night with fresh rigs and baits! If the next few days continue like this, we can expect some giant carp. Of course, we’ll be live on Fishing and Hunting every day at 8:00 PM! Stay with us!