My Favorite Summer Aromas


Approximately half a year ago, in the middle of winter, I presented aromas that I prefer using during my cold water sessions. Back then I received many requests to present the aromas that I use in warm water. As I try to fulfill these requests, I decided to write an article on warm water aromas. Let’s see which liquids can help you catch magnificent fish even on the hottest summer days.

If you want to use aromas that are effective in the summer, you should pay attention to two things. Firstly, the smell and the flavor. Every venue – and I know it’s a cliché – is different. Orange-chocolate flavors might work well on one water in the summer, but the same aroma might be effective on another water in the winter. Naturally, the more time we spend on the shore, the easier it becomes to find the right type for cold and warm waters. The other factor which is essential is the substance of the aroma as this affects its mode of action. For example, I use oil based aromas only in the summer, as this is when they work well for me.

A bucket of aroma, specifically for summer sessions.

Method Smoke

I’m pretty biased when it comes to Smoke products, as they proved to be successful in competitions too. They’re extremely attractive liquids with an intense luring effect. Only a few drops are needed to become successful. You should pour some on the loaded feeder because this is how you can lure the fish from midwater to the bottom.

The GLM, the chili and krill and the chocolate are my favorite types in the summer.

Usually, it’s enough to pour one drop on the bait.

Unbelievably dense. The luring effect lasts for long.

Sometimes, however, this drop is not enough.

In this case, you can use a lot of aromas.

This will definitely draw a line in the water.

Bait Booster

You can aromatize both micropellets and groundbaits with the Bait Booster, which is considered a classic, activator type products. I very rarely pour more than half a bottle of liquid into the dry groundbait as it’s very dense and has a strong smell and flavor.

The Boosters are one of the most versatile aromas.

From the six flavors, my personal favorites for warm water are liver oil, GLM, and chili&krill.

I usually use Boosters together with the Bait steam aromas.

Bait Steam

When it comes to summer fishing, the Bait Steam aroma is an essential ingredient of my method mix for carp. I prefer this liquid because they have a special characteristic. They work in midwater too! Their specific weight is lighter than water, therefore, after the dissolution, the flavors and smells start lifting, which draws the attention of fish. Their other important characteristic is that they color the baits.

GLM liver oil and chili&krill just like Bait Boosters.

You can use these aromas with any kind of particles, seed mixes, micro pellets!

Liver oil is stinky. Really stinky…

Bait Liquid

Finally, let me mention here the Bait Liquid products. These aromas were made mostly for carp anglers. They are full of opportunities that feeder anglers can exploit too. Any of the Bait Liquid aromas can be used successfully in the summer too, however, the bait liver and the complex fish oil are two products that are most effective in the summer. For me, they are essential ingredients of big fish mixes. I really like them because last year I caught my biggest carp on baits flavored with fish or liver oil. The GLM proved its effectiveness on huge mine lakes as it is a natural bait that does not contain any synthetic aromas. Due to its quality, it attracts old, experienced carp too.

Bait Liquid aromas are loved by anglers also because of their package.

The liver oil and complex fish oil are pure, quality additives, not to mention the GLM.

My secret weapon in the summer.

With the help of the Bait Liquid aromas, you can boost your bait.

As they’re unbelievably dense, you don’t need to use too much of them.

Let’s leave it for a few minutes, and then it can go back to the water!

I hope these tips will make your summer sessions more successful. Naturally, we shouldn’t overemphasize the importance of aromas, as only aromas are not enough in the summer, but they might be an important step towards success.

Despite changeable weather, the water is warm enough, the conditions are getting summer like.

Sometimes aromas are inevitable to catch big carp.

Written by Bence Szabó

Translated by Mihály Köntös