The IBCC is the biggest carp angling competition in the world By this year, which is the 5th anniversary of the competition, the number of competitors has grown five times bigger than at the beginnings. In 2015 50, in 2017 more than 120, in 2018 almost 190, and in 2019 250 teams registered for IBCC.…
Choosing the Proper Hookbait in Spring
After the ice has melted and the first rays of the sun start warming up the water, life comes back under the surface. Slowly, the fish are starting to take longer routes and feed intensively. In this period, the carp mostly search for food sources that are easily digestible and gives them a lot of…
On the Old Danube
This time we tried our luck on the “old” Danube, where we were feeder fishing for barbel. We found an excellent peg with gravel and we thought that we’d catch fish here for sure. The water level seemed suitable, but we were a bit worried about the flood that had been predicted to come. The…